In any kind of industry where water meets steel, corrosion is an underestimated threat - and a very expensive one too: corrosion costs for the European region alone amount to €500bn (DNV-GL report).
Currently, there is no general approach which is followed in the industry to assess the risk of corrosion and to prevent it from happening. This may even lead to cost reductions of about 25-30%.

Provide companies with independent means to assess corrosion risks in order to
increase awareness and take preventive actions.
Create a fast in situ sensor system to monitor a range of environmental markers to determine the risk of corrosion of steel
submerged in water, as well as a statistical method to mine data for overall corrosion risk estimate.
Implement and demonstrate in several industrial case studies (wind turbines at
sea, water desalination/sanitation, ship’s hulls and ballast tanks, harbour sheet piles, process water) and show
economic opportunities.

The project will provide 11 different industrial demonstration cases at different early adopters, acting as partners or members of the advisory board, to assess and optimise the industrial applicability of the SOCORRO system, as well as an
overall economic study of these demonstration cases.
As such, the use of the system may yield many benefits:
slowed down corrosion rate and extended life cycle of metal
constructions -
increased cost control and safety in maritime installations
more reliable infrastructure and higher economic gains for the production of renewable energy
more efficient water sanitation treatment and production
more integrated water management.