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Jeroen Tacq
21 dec 20235 minuten om te lezen
A digital application "SOCORRO" facilitating on-site monitoring and analysis
The Reason behind the SOCORRO application - Data and AI drive a mindset change in Corrosion Management The overall challenge set forth in...
104 weergaven0 opmerkingen
Marjolein Vanoppen
22 jun 20232 minuten om te lezen
The SOCORRO app - how to use it?
During the project, we've developed a software app to help you estimate the corrosion risk based on water quality parameters. In this...
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Rocio von Jungenfeld
7 jun 20233 minuten om te lezen
Royal Eijkelkamp SOCORRO Workshop
We arrived at the Royal Eijkelkamp to discuss the SOCORRO findings. Gathered around a table for lunch, the reliability of different...
71 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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